Monday 3 November 2008

Evaluation of Technical Analysis - 'Get Carter', Hodges,1971

I chose to do my technical analysis on the film 'Get Carter' by Mike Hodges in 1971. I chose to do this film because it is a British gangster film and it gives me a good idea of what films from around this era where like as I am trying to do a 1960's style gangster film for my film opening. The opening of 'Get Carter' used many different shots and when it came to movement, the director often uses the panning camera technique. The director uses a lot of cuts therefore, it could make the opening scene look very jumpy, however it doesn't because they use continuity editing; so everything runs in sequence. The director uses fairly long shots, there is no rapidly changing shots. Apart from the opening shot, which is an extreme long shot which pans in to a medium shot, the majority of the shots used are a variety of close. The different types of close up shots there are include, medium close up, close up, big close up and extreme close up. The majority of the the majority of the shots are medium close ups and close ups.

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...

Mark - this is a bit brief. Rather than "lots of shots" you need to actually discuss specific shots.