Wednesday 12 November 2008

Filming - 12/11/08

In many ways filming today went smoothly and in many ways it didn't. We have discovered that filming is a very time consuming process. However we got a lot of our shots done in the two hours we were filming after school. When filming we sometimes pressed the record button to start filming, but we stopped filming instead, so a couple of times we have filmed ourselves setting up for the next shot, instead of shooting the actual shot. Another problem we came across is that we watched some of our footage back but forgot to fast forward the tape to the end of what we had shot so far, so we have recorded some shots over our previous shots.

We also learnt an important lesson in life. We got ourselves trapped in a stairwell on Royal Victoria Place Car park. We were looking to see if we could find a better set of stairs within our location for filming. We came across a staircase and we all entered. We then found out that there was no was way of leaving the stairs from the inside as it was a fire exit door. We had to phone Nick Reilly (Group 4) who luckily lives nearby to come and let us out.

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