Monday 3 November 2008

Technical Analysis, The Business.

The Business is a Brit Gangster film situated abroad when he goes to pursue his dreams further abroad then from the streets of London. In this opening sequence they have used nearly all cuts and no dissolves or any other way to change camera angle or view. At the start the cutting rhythm is very slow when they were jogging, also there was not a lot of camera movement, the camera was mainly static, apart from when they were following the joggers and were tracking. There was quite a regular pattern to camera size as it went from CU to a MCU then a MS with sometimes XLS. It then changes when it comes to the action and dialogue, the cutting rhythm is very quick as the dialogue is fast paced with a lot of CUs to express the faces, also there were not a lot of MS shots as they were in the house and it restricted it, also there was usage of natural frames, such the archway.

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