Wednesday 12 November 2008

Filming- Voiceover.

We included a voiceover in our filming, this was done on a totally seperate time and place to filming as it would not be very suitable to do it on site of shooting as the car park will echo and will have a lot of background noise. Also it was done seperately because if we did it on site there would be less time to shoot therefore the light or weather may change which will not be good for continuity editing so we did when we had a lot of time to do takes of the voiceover.
We had a few problems which we encountered during it, firstly it was the voice we want to use for the character, we needed to have a very rough, cockney accent and it was difficult to do and this took up the majority of the takes, also we had to have a change of location as well, we found where we were recording the sound that it was echoing and causing reverb, this was because it was a large room with bad acoustics, so we changed to a smaller room with objects which could absorb sound and it sounded much better.

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